Blending Pedagogy, Digital Art, and Musical Artistry
Playing Music at a New Year's Eve Show
Digital Art Samples
Performing Original Music
Hi, I'm Jason. I love delivering content and inspiring learners, and my favorite part of the process is developing and designing lessons. The design and delivery of documents, presentations, and assessments is my forte. I develop my creative skills in my free time by working as a video editor, digital artist, and musician. I want to explore avenues that synthesize my diverse interests in film and video production, education, lesson design, storytelling, digital illustration, and music composition. I love learning new skills and using them to help people learn. I'm ready to take on projects that weave together combinations of these skills.
Professional Experience
I'm a Senior Instructional Designer at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN. I help develop online learning coursework and partner with course designers to assure that their courses meet expectations of high quality, relevant content, and are accessible.
I have created Storyline Projects and Storyboarding as a freelancer on projects on blockchain technology and international business education.
I create video content for EthStaker, a group that educates node operators and validators in the Ethereum blockchain community. You can find some of my work on the video editing page. I've collaborated with experts in the field to create informative videos and build a repository providing clips that can be used for educational purposes..
I worked in public education for 17 years teaching foreign language. Previous employers include Memphis Shelby County Schools and Tipton County Schools. In addition to lesson design and facilitation, my job responsibilities also included mentoring new teachers, textbook adoption, curriculum writing, and coaching.
I've also gained soft skills from my work in the service industry. I've worked as a professional musician and artist. I've also worked in the tourism industry.
Hobbies and Interests: Music, Art, and Film
Creative expression has always been important to me. I've been a musician and formal student of music for over 30 years. I play a number of instruments, including trumpet, accordion, ukulele, harmonica, and I'm currently studying the bagpipes. I love the opportunities for creative expressive and collaborative cooperation music provides to my life.
In 2017 I began exploring art, initially creating portraits and eventually moving on to landscapes and abstract art. Principles such as composition, balance, light, and gesture were all fascinating subjects of study and easily relatable to my background in the performing arts.
Film has been an outlet to synthesize my love for creative arts into a comprehensive medium. Some samples of my recent video projects are available here.